What is Trademark Objection?

A Trademark Objection Reply does not signify an outright refusal of the trademark registration application. Instead, it indicates the need for clarification regarding the trademark chosen for registration. If the Registrar discovers incorrect information or determines the trademark is inappropriate for registration, they will mark the application as "objected" and send an examination report outlining the reasons for the objection.

Trademark Objection Status

Monitoring Your Trademark Status

Since trademark registration is a long-term commitment, keeping track of your application status is essential. The Indian government offers online assistance for checking the status of trademark applications. Here’s how to do it:


Visit the official government site for trademark registration.


Click on the "Trademarks" section in the menu.


Select "Related Links" and click on "Trademark Status."


You will be redirected to another page. Click on "Trademark Application/Registered Mark" from the side menu.


Enter your application number to view the status

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If No Objection is Raised
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If your trademark is still in the examination stage, it will display as “Marked for Exam.” If it shows “Advertised bef acc,” no objections have been raised, and the trademark is ready to be published in the Trademark Journal. A three-month window is given for any third-party opposition. If no opposition is filed, the trademark will be approved, and the status will change to “Registered.”

If Objection is Raised

If your application status is marked as “objected,” this indicates the Registrar found inaccuracies in your application or that the trademark is not eligible for registration. The Registrar will send an examination report detailing the grounds for objection. You must respond with a well-drafted Trademark Objection Reply within one month; failure to do so may result in your application being abandoned.